Monday, August 22, 2011

The words used to sell and to avoid

!±8± The words used to sell and to avoid

I come from a long line of communicators, suppliers, contractors and even a telegraph operator.

All of them have a language very seriously, and when you see how they look in their career, has worked quite well for them.

With this heritage in mind, please forgive me if I also show sensitivity to the effect of language. And 'in my genes!

I suppose if you want a word nerd, it does not hurt that a doctorate at the Annenberg School for Communication at USC.(Sometimes you can even get some football tickets!)

However, I have had great responses to my articles on wimpy win over turnover language I thought I'd deal with other examples of sales and use words to avoid.

Normally you should avoid with this weak-at-the-knees, trembling, ambiguous words and phrases:

I would like ...

Maybe ...

Maybe ...

Maybe ...

Do you have a minute to talk?

I'm not with anythingI?

Replace the positive following combinations:

What we do is ...

What we do ...

What we do ...

I'm sure you'll find ...

Surely ...

Sure ...

This only takes a second ...

I am a strong supporter of the "Try it, you'll like!" Approach to selling, so I invite you to use these words best, every day, put in your presentations.

And then you tell me how you did it, okay?

Dr. Gary S. © Goodman2006

The words used to sell and to avoid

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